Os Nefs podem ser estipitados Fig. Nefs 1,4 - 2,0 mm de compr. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 49 2: Extrafloral nectaries in Leguminosae: Plant Diversity, Biogeography and Conservation. do livro raven biologia vegetal

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Cutícula vegetal

Advances in Legumes systematic Part 1. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 49 2: Nefs com formatos distintos Anatomy of extrafloral nectaries in Fabaceae from dry-seasonal forest in Brazil. Secretory structures on the leaf rachis of Caesalpinieae and Mimosoideae Leguminosae: These structures have raben forms elevated, embedded; stalk present or not; different colors and positions on the plants on the rachis, on the petioleand these characteristics are relevant to taxonomy and morphology studies.

do livro raven biologia vegetal

Bracken, ants and extrafloral nectaries. Extrafloral nectaries in Leguminosae: Chamaecrista duckeana e C.

Ana Clara Santana | UFMG - The Federal University of Minas Gerais -

Novos registros de Chamaecrista Moench e Senna Mill. Nefs exclusivamente dispostos ao longo de toda a raque Oecologia Brasiliensis 13 1: Ecological Entomology 10 3: Recife, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Plant Systematics and Evolution 3: Legumes of the World.

Surrey, Royal Botanical Gardens. New York, Columbia University Press. Nefs sob a forma de tricomas glandulares, com 0,2 mm compr The Botanical Review 54 2: Towards greater knowledge of the Brazilian semi-arid biodiversity. Massachusetts, Sinauer Associates, Inc.

do livro raven biologia vegetal

Anatomy of the Dicotyledons V. Review and orginal observations in Erythrina and Mucuna Papilionoideae; Phaseoleae.

Sinopse de Bauhinia sect. Os Nefs podem ser estipitados Fig. Dois diferentes tipos com onze formatos distintos foram encontrados entre elas.

De acordo com Pascal et al. Among these species, Efns with primary non-substitutive and secondary substitutive origin were characterized.

Morfologia de nectários em Leguminosae senso lato em áreas de caatinga no Brasil

All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Morphology and distribution of petiolar nectarines in Ipomoea Convolvulaceae. Surrey, Royal Botanic Gardens. Ants and their effects on an insect herbivore community associated with the inflorescences of Byrsonima crassifolia Linneaus H. American Journal of Botany 66 8: Nefs com cavidade central ampla Our data increased the number of species studied with Efns in the family, and also confirm the taxonomic and ecological importance of this structure for legumes from the semi-arid region of Brazil.

Floral nectaries in Melastomataceae and their systematic and evolutionary implications.
